When I browse to certain websites, a video will automatically play along with audio even when the phone is on silent mode. This creates serious usability issues when the video pops up and audio starts blasting in quiet spaces. I tested with Safari and it will at least mute the video so it does not disrupt anything.
Please provide an option to disable auto playing of video and audio.
I went to the playlist section, disabled everything, closed Brave, restarted iOS. The problem persists. Still playing video and audio automatically even in silent mode.
If I disable scripts and block cookies that works but it creates other serious usability issues with the browser. If I could disable scripts per site this might be a workable option but its a global option which just breaks most all sites on the internet.
Setting to Aggressive does not do anything.
Pretty sure this is a legitimate bug that will require some dev work.
I have tried every available setting to make this stop and nothing has worked. This appears to be a legitimate bug. It should be easily reproducible by anyone who tries it.
There are several site this happens with aside from the one I posted. Some sites auto play video and audio still. There should be a way to disable the video auto play.