Different types of BAT rewards reported in catalog file

Hi Brave Rewards Team,
looking at the catalog file at https://ads-serve.brave.com/v2/catalog it is reported that there are different types of BATs rewards (see below the key “name” under issuers, 0.05BAT, 0.1BAT up to 0.3BAT) and as well some rewards that are named “confirmation” and 0BAT.
Can you please clarify when rewards different from 0.05BAT are delivered (including the 0BAT) ? Is this delivery based on the priority of the ads ? Based on current discussions in the community only the 0.05BAT rewards are today received when an ad is shown.

"issuers": [
  "name": "confirmation",
  "publicKey": "qi1Vl8YrPEZliN5wmBgLTuGkbk8K505QwlXLTZjUd34="
  "name": "0BAT",
  "publicKey": "uor3AzFj4OmdCxwetsYD1TxPXZSw40t3j/VOCUyC7Rs="
  "name": "0.05BAT",
  "publicKey": "mmXlFlskcF+LjQmJTPQUmoDMV8Co2r+0eNqSyzCywmk="
  "name": "0.10BAT",
  "publicKey": "IDHCAru7GPGQkmBvinkNYOu2HRotn6Zo4Mt92GjQeHc="
  "name": "0.15BAT",
  "publicKey": "duj8c6wshE1OsjpkQs2aP4GuFzg6AHRTx0bkdYUKaio="
  "name": "0.20BAT",
  "publicKey": "IJYNdVk9MIzc5vgn/4dQ5Xfb55kicxsNy4D4xAAtdX0="
  "name": "0.25BAT",
  "publicKey": "AkgrYZwV34g8kCp6PMzdpwe7jpHQVTQ9FvBmt77g5gw="
  "name": "0.3BAT",
  "publicKey": "cDwS1XxztIX1ywkbYu8aZbIbV7ntR7NQR2dchEJWlnw="



This one may help https://twitter.com/lukemulks/status/1267596624227758080?s=19

Thanks eljuno, appreciated your reply but indeed it gives limited help; I am new of this forum and as well new of Brave and I am trying to get some correct references.

As far as BAT rewards it is concerned it is clear for me that at some point the reward for each campaign will be tuned depending on brand, country placement and priority as Luke says (btw these three parameters are already present in the catalog file) but we should make some clarification to avoid long debates and surprises as in the thread Estimated earnings not increasing after a Brave ad (is that a bug or already the implementation of the new rule ?).
In other words:

1/ do you think we can assume today the reward of 0.05 BAT is the standard one for all ads notifications, meaning that 2 ads increase of 0.1 the total BAT amount ?
2/ do you think we can assume that if the above is not satisfied we are facing a bug to be notified ?

This will make clear the current rewards status and hopefully there will be a proper communication in the community when the above rule will be changed

Appreciated again !

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