Difference between BAT in Brave and Uphold, What's the problem?

At uphold

At Brave Browser

I Guess 1.750BAT haven’t transferred to Uphold.
Please check once.

Is the 1.750 what you earned from this months payout?

How many devices have you connected to your Account?

Also count any old devices that you might have used Brave on.
If you use Brave Beta/Nightly count them as different devices too…

Same here…BAT stuck in browser not going to uphold…due to device limit reached as I reinstalled windows multiple times ! SOMEONE HELPPPPP !!!

You can’t do anything.

Create a new Uphold Account or wait for Gemini to be introduced.

nono suppoort can help
but they dont reply !

Dude, I too faced that issue. I just created a new account. It was very easy.

oh okok nice let =me give a try

@akashpathak please see our DM.

yes it’s a previous month payout

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