Did not receive the rewards for Jan. in my Gemini account

@Soranoshima Your best best will be to message @Mattches with your Wallet Info found in brave://rewards-internals and explain your situation as you did here. Please be advised he and other support members get thousands of messages each day, so there can be a delay. In addition, they stated sometimes problems can take weeks to troubleshoot or fix. Hopefully yours is quicker than that, but just like to make sure to point that out to people so you realize it’s not always as fast as we’d hope.

Oh, also, I want to point out that another issue I’ve brought up to Brave is that Gemini had stated they’ve had issues over the past couple days. I don’t know when/if they’ll be back up and running. You can see where I posted that at PSA: Gemini is down AGAIN! - #2 by Saoiray