Device Limit Reached |Your wallet cannot be verified because you've reached the maximum verified device limit.9/6/2021

I having the same problem, my account unverified and when I tried to re-verify now I get the "Device limit reached " message. I don´t even have four devices with Internet access, something is being counted double.

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me too i got today brave rewards to zero and when i try to reconnect uphold account its saying Device Limit Reached |Your wallet cannot be verified because you’ve reached the maximum verified device limit.10/16/2021…i didnt add change anything on brave browser,it was working fine till before 1hrs,and suddenly i got device limit reached…can you help me please


Anyone can watch the work flow for this issue in this link: Device Limit Reached |Your wallet cannot be verified because you've reached the maximum verified device limit.9/6/2021 - #16 by xMovingTarget
In this moment, the issue is “on deck” and asigned to two developers.

Same here. @tonix01

And the train wreck that is BAT keeps on a Rollin’

Alllllll Aboaaaaarrrrrddddd.!!!


I quit BRAVE in APRIL over this issue @xMovingTarget xMovingtarget

Been checking back every month or so.

Still not fixed.


Bingo @yubi

Been almost a year since I got screwed out of a hundred or so BAT by this issue.

I will check back in a month or two.

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I mean. Apart from rewards, brave is a pretty good browser.
Did you know that brave support can now delete 1 device for you so you can link 1 more device?

At least until the management tool is out and ready for us.

Same problem…

Impossible to verified my brave wallet with Uphold from my third computer.
“Échec de la synchronisation du portefeuille
Votre portefeuille ne peut pas être vérifié, car vous avez atteint le nombre maximum d’appareils autorisé.”
WRONG !! i have less than 4 devices so i don’t understand what is the problem.
Uphold can’t do anything for me and says the problem is only with Brave.

Thank you to fix it or tell me the procedure to unfix

I never reinstalled windows on the 3 machines where I installed brave
nor uninstalled brave. too afraid of losing my BAT

Just to clear this misconception, 1 device is basically 1 browser.
If you reinstall it, like reinstall windows for example, it will add another device. So even if you only ever link 1 device, like 1 computer only, you can eventually hit the device limit by just reinstalling your operating system.
Hope this clears it up. Devices will not auto delete. So you will always leave 1 remnant of a device behind.

Actually its like a verification/linking limit.
You may fill that limit with 1 device/browser just with reinstalling 4 times.
Same device, same wallet(backup keys/seeds etc.) can hit limit. So i guess the word “device” should change to verification.


you can not backup your brave wallet. Unless you have a code still from years ago. If those still work, I have no idea.

how to do that, i want to delete one. i reached my limit

That is not a misconception, it is bad wording from Brave, if they call it a device it means device, if they meant browser, they should say “you have more than 4 browsers”.

But thank you for the information, that helps me to understand what is happening because I have uninstalled and re-installed Brave previously, something I might not have done had I know there was a maximum of 4 browsers, including reinstalls.

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If this is not solved by the end of the month, what will happen with my earned bats on my new device (not linked to my uphold wallet).

It will stay in your browser wallet. It will still be there. You just have to claim when the time comes. Like on the 7th to 10th or something

Yes, but I cannot withdraw my bats because I don’t have a verified wallet on my device because I’ve reached device limit. But you say there will be a way to remove devices from uphold verified wallet, right?

Yes. There will be. But I can not tell you when it will be available. could be weeks, months. Who knows. The status on its development process has not changed since it was first posted to Github 23 days ago.

Ok, I’m gonna wait patiently. I will keep earning bats on my device and I’ll withdraw them when the tool is ready. Thanks.


Hello all,

I had the same problem and managed to get solution by following the steps outlined from the post below.Kindly follow it without skipping any step. They will delete 1 device from your profile so you can verify the one device you are currently using . @Suhbz @Yanik39 @Krosby @xMovingTarget @Hubblewebb1 @yubi @Spice @KrazzyTrukker @Danieloos

@tonix01 @phaberest @liquidchrome @8lettersuk @ryosukefc @ThatGuy539 @vagoldprospector @passivify @dallen.baldwin @aliisonline