Deposit from one wallet to brave wallet

I have attempted to transfer my Merit Circle from Gemini as it is no longer supported to my Brave wallet. I believe it to be gone as I attempted to send it on a different coin destination. Either way I am beyond confused as to where the Merit Circle is even if its not in my Brave Wallet. Anyone able to point me in the right direction?

@Pitts1371 Just to clarify, are you saying that you’ve already input your Brave Wallet address and sent the token from Gemini? If so, you should have a transaction number (tx) that you can use to check the status and see if it went through.

If the transaction shows as completed, it should be available in your Brave Wallet—assuming the token is on a supported network. Keep in mind that if the token isn’t widely used, it might not show up by default. In that case, you’ll need to either enable the token or add it manually. You can find more info on how to do that in the official article at or through a guide I wrote at Visible Assets: Activating or Adding to Brave Wallet

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I have attempted to do it as you have posted, but maybe I could elaborate my situation more. I have added Merit Circle and still do not see the tokens. I moved my merit circle erc20 tokens to my Brave wallet using the address from the eth on ethereum main net. I have the transaction hash on Maybe sending doing the transaction that way was incorrect, but I cannot see what else I can do.

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