Description of the issue:
When a specific URL is used for viewing a YouTube Video, it doesn’t show a site listed under the Brave Wallet. As a result, this doesn’t show tipping, verified/non-verified status, auto-contribute, etc.
Example channels:
- – this variation of a YouTube link doesn’t show the channel’s verified / non-verified status, offer tipping, or option to auto-contribute on this YouTube Channel.
- – this link (same video) will show the verified / non-verified status, offer tipping, etc. This functions like it should.
To reproduce, visit those videos above.
Expected Result: This should identify the YouTube video/channel regardless of URL.
Reproduces: 100% of the time on the two URLs listed above.
Brave Version: 0.58.18 Chromium: 71.0.3578.98 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Reproducible on current live release: Yes