Definition Popup Artifacts on macOS

Description of the issue:
When highlighting text to lookup a definition and then scrolling the page this will sometimes create artifacts of the popup that stay on the browser regardless of which page you’re on.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Launch Brave
  2. Visit any website, highlight text by clicking and dragging on the text. Select ‘Look up “[Selected Word]”’ to see the definition popup.
  3. Scroll away (up or down) while popup is active. You may have to try multiple times.

Actual Result:
Definition popup artifacts stay on the browser and remain there on every browser page and tab until the application is restarted.

Video of the issue:

Expected Result:
The defintion popup window should not remain on the screen and should be closed.

Reproduces how often:
It may take a few tries, but I’m able to get the bug each time I try and use the definition popup.

Brave Version:
Version 1.66.118 Chromium: 125.0.6422.147 (Official Build) (arm64)

Reproducible on current live release (yes/no):

Additional information:
I’m using macOS Sonoma Version 14.5. I have multiple input keyboards selected: U.S., Hebrew, Greek, Japanese - Romaji, and Japanese - Kana in my settings. This may possibly contribute to the bug. There’s a mix of RTL and LTR languages.

Thank you for reaching out.
I was able to reproduce this initially but for some reason I can’t do it for the life of me now. Either way I did see the bug and it can be extremely annoying.

Have opened this issue on our Github for our devs to review:

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Sweet! Thanks for opening this issue up on Github. Would love to see this fixed in a future update.

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