Decrease Brave rewards

I did not use brave browser 2 weeks(July).
But now I’m using brave browser again.
I noticed increasing rate of rewards are not the same before.

Normally, I got rewards 3~4 BAT every Month,
But I got Brave browser rewards only 0.5 BAT last 2 Weeks.
Something wrong? Or should I change some options?

bat is useless and it’s a scam you will not have those 7336bat becausei it’s like shiba inu in the past. they scam us, i didn’t receive any bat it said ‘oops, something went wrong’ i have been collecting it ALmoSTT 4 YEARSss!!! don’t trust them, turn off rewards or becaus e of them brave and ad providers will steal your all your data and you will cry. say goodbye to brave (c, rick astley ( brave is SuSS use someting better h

oops not this pict anyways glad my reply helps ypou much!!! amogus best resolve qustuioon

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