Days used to calculate a month's BAT

What’s the last day of each month used in calculating payout? I haven’t received BAT in almost 2 whole months, then on July 30th I received 8. Should I have received payout for those 8 weak ads?

No one knows :slight_smile: When you criticize a little, they immediately get upset. I really didn’t understand either.

I believe it’s the last minute/second of the last day of the month in your local UTC.

It’s as JimB1 mentioned, it starts at midnight of the first day and ends at 11:59pm on the final day. Just keep in mind that not 100% of the ads seen will have been able to be processed by the servers, so some of it can roll forward.

It’s highly recommended if you ever have payment issues, that you submit a support ticket so someone from Brave can look into it.

Umm, it’s hard to give you an answer on that. There’s a lot of things that could have occurred in your situation. It’s possible that it fixed itself and sent you any BAT you were owed. We wouldn’t be able to tell you without knowing how many ads you had seen and what BAT earned.

  • So should you have gotten 8 weeks (two months) of pay in one month? Not usually.
  • Can it happen? Absolutely.
  • Did you get all your BAT? Nobody reading this topic of yours has a way to be able to answer that. Only you and Brave would know what you were owed and what you received.

I said weak, not weeks. Weak as a SORRY measly 8 ads for that whole month. And didn’t even get pay for it.

Ok. Unfortunately a lot of people have auto correct choose wrong spelling or they have grammar errors. It seemed more like you meant “weeks.” Always try to give benefit of doubt.

Either way, answer is essentially the same except would pretty much have focused on #3 as an answer.

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