Cut in Windows application is not copied in Apache Guacamole clipboard

Description of the issue: When I cut a text in Windows, this text is not copied to the apache guacamole clipbard. It is working in Chrome. It is also working with firefox if you activate the Asynchronous clipboard API

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Copy text from notepad
  2. Open a guacamole site in brave
  3. Paste the text in your VDI => not working
  4. You have to open the clipbard with Crtl+Shift+Alt
  5. Paste the text in the clipbard
    6 Then paste the texte (again) in your VDI

Expected result:

The Windows clipboard should be copied in the guacamole clipbard automaticaly like other browsers. It is working in Chrome. It is also working with firefox if you activate the Asynchronous clipboard API

Brave Version( check About Brave):
Version 1.52.117 Chromium: 114.0.5735.90 (Build officiel) (64 bits)

Additional Information:
Thank you :slight_smile:

I’m interested as well !

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