Creator accounts appear as "unverified" across multiple platforms (even though verified at

My account remained connected but I’ve been getting the out of date notice too since last year. I think there might be a few of us.

Like you I disconnect, reconnect and everything is good again for a day or two and then it comes back. Uphold say its not them, Brave don’t seem to know, payments still process into Uphold (fingers crossed this continues) so like you, I leave it too! :slight_smile:

I am currently going through the same issues with my two youtube channels and have opened a support ticket. I was showing as unverified on both desktop and mobile browsers a week after signing up (linked to verified uphold account). They had me disconnect and re-connect my uphold which did fix the desktop version to now show me as verified (took around 12 hours to take effect), but on mobile Brave browser it still shows as “unverified”. Multiple follow ups with support staff without response regarding the mobile version issue. Therefore i can receive tips only on desktop brave. :frowning: Seems this month there have been many bugs arise. Hoping all gets sorted out for everyone.

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