Create shortcuts for scrolling up and down

Actually you can use the vertical arrows for scrolling, but moving the right hand all the time to the other side of the keyboard is not comfortable at all and not efficient when you normally have both your hands on the key letters.

I would like to use the same shortcuts that editors like Vim or Neovim use, that is, J for scrolling down and K for scrolling up. Or at least to have the option to configure them.

Actually in the settings there is only the option for “scrolling to top” and “scrolling to bottom”, but not for “step scrolling”. Is this something you would consider including in brave://settings/system/shortcuts?

I found online, javascript code for sending the webpage to the top, and sending the webpage to the bottom:

To the Top (bookmark):

Bookmark Name: Go to the Top
URL Address: javascript:window.scrollTo%280%2C000000%29

To the Bottom (bookmark):

Bookmark Name: Go to the Bottom
URL Address: javascript:window.scrollTo%280%2C100000%29

You might find similar javascript code online, that would move the webpage UP or DOWN by increments.