Cookies keep reappearing after deleting

I delete cookies and they reappear, although websites closed before deletion. Is there anyway to tell if app synced to another device without my permission? I have had hacking issues in past.

Description of the issue:

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Delete Cookies
    2.Restart phone , cookies reappear

Expected result: Why is this happening?

Brave Version( check About Brave):

Mobile Device detailsIOS 15.7
iPhone X

**Additional Information: I use Brave Firewall

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Hello there @TheG you can check your synced devices open the Menu, go to Settings β†’ Other Settings β†’ Sync, if you see a device you do not recognize, you can leave that sync chain by going to brave://sync --> Leave Sync.

Thank u , this is all I see

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Hello again @TheG are you able to see your linked devices? If they do not appaer try those steps on a desktop version far Brave to see if you can locate them and change the devices linked.

No I cannot see, do not have desktop. Email is whited out , can u even see this?

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@TheG let me inform you that screenshot provided has been compressed and the content from it can’t be read. Is the screenshot from Menu β†’ Settings β†’ Other Settings β†’ Sync?

Be waiting for your response.

It should not have been compressed. Bottom line I am getting a red exclamation mark instead of https lock, when I click on the red mark it states nothing wrong with certificate. Happens with and without Guardian Firewall

Also cookies not deleting.

Just not secure

Upon reviewing the screenshots provided it seems no other device has been added to your sync chain.

If you have any other concerns, please let me know.

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