Description of the issue:
When trying to connect with my uphold wallet in my publisher account I get the error: Connection problems
In the console it shows
referral_charts.jsx:81 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of null
at S (referral_charts.jsx:81)
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (home.js:527)
S @ referral_charts.jsx:81
(anonymous) @ home.js:527
In referral_chars.jsx line 81 is:
const { value } = document.getElementById(“referrals-hidden-tags”);
home.js line 527 is:
Steps to Reproduce (add as many as necessary): 1. 2. 3.
Go to and try to connect uphold wallet. I am logged in at uphold
Actual Result (gifs and screenshots are welcome!):
Expected result:
Connecting wallet should work
Reproduces how often:
Operating System and Brave Version(See the About Brave
page in the main menu):
GNU/Linux Arch. Version 0.65.78 Chromium: 74.0.3729.108 (Official Build) unknown (64-bit)
Additional Information: