Claim button doesn't appear for a few month now


Back up the BraveSoftware folder. That folder is the containing folder - aka parent folder. I wrote out the path:

Screen Shot 2022-07-15 at 8.39.10 PM

so that you would see that:

  • the BraveSoftware folder contains
  • the Brave-Browser folder that contains
  • the User Data folder that contains
  • the Default folder

The folder named Default, is the initial user Profile folder created at the time of the initial installation of Brave Browser on your computer.

IF - WHEN you create another user Profile, that additional user Profile will be in folder named Profile 1 at:

Screen Shot 2022-07-15 at 8.40.55 PM

I mention that, because you need to know:

Your initial, user Profile, is named ‘Profile 1’ and the substance of ‘Profile 1’ is in the folder named Default.

Your first, additionally-created Profile, will be named ‘Profile 2’ and is in a folder named Profile 1.

YOU have to keep track of the relationship between the user ‘Profile’ names and their corresponding Profile folder-names.

Table: user Profile - Profile folder
user Profile named ‘Profile 1’ - folder named Default
user Profile named ‘Profile 2’ - folder named Profile 1
user Profile named ‘Profile 3’ - folder named Profile 2

You might change the name of user named ‘Profile 3’ to ‘TEST PROFILE’ - in which case the following will exist, be true:

user Profile named ‘TEST PROFILE’ - folder is still named Profile 2

Backup Software and Tips

Some of the backup software, has the ability to schedule backups, and you might want to use that scheduling.

Include date and time in the backup filename. For example:



I strongly recommend that backups be stored on an attached, external hard drive.

OK to also locate backups on your computer - as long as the backups are OUTSIDE of the path of the Brave Browser installation. You might create a new directory on your computer, for such storage (Windows OS example):

  • C:\Important_Backups\

Windows OS users:

Create a new System Restore Point every day or week, depending upon the importance of recent work.

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