Chrome Extension auto-install for Brave

Hi i created a chrome extension “stop-it”, who run’s under Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Vivaldi and Brave.

I created a small windows EXE who write keys in windows registry, when i launch my app, the keys are installed in the registry and when i start chrome, the extension is added without having to go to the chrome store !

the key created, is called: ExtensionInstallForcelist
it comes from chromium and works under chrome, vivaldi.

the key i try to use for Brave Browser use is:


The key is installed but nothing happens, add-on is not installed:

and i saw Brave install the extensions here:


the key i use for chrome & vivaldi is:


How can i achieve that for Brave ?

That key ExtensionInstallForcelist prevent the user to remove or disable the extension.
my chrome extension block every adult site, ads, scams, hacks, ransomware and many more !

and here it’s my chrome extension path in the registry added trough the chrome store


Can someone help, with my issue ?


Apologies for the late response on this. I’ve reached out to the team to see if we can get some additional input on your issue. Appreciate your patience!

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Can you try to use the same path you use for Chrome/Vivaldi?

If that doesn’t work, try the HKEY_CURRENT_USER version:

We haven’t modified this logic as far as I know. It should be checking the same path that any Chromium based browser would use by default

Hi thanks, but none of those two keys are working, the add-on doesn’t install at all on Brave, but of course when i run chrome the add-on is auto-installed and locked.

here a screenshot, as you can see, under chrome the add-on is installed and locked, but under Brave Nothing happens.

if i install the add-on in Brave directly from the store it works add-on is added to Brave and the registry key is:


here a screenshot

but i tried all the combinations with:






in fact no keys are added in the registry for Brave, so that’s weird

Those are my keys for Chrome browser:






And the result is this, history deleted when browser close, no private mode, (incognito mode), No access to adult sites+ others bad & dangerous contents + profanity hidden:


But under Brave nothing works, so i tried and added chrome keys to brave but nothing works keys are not working and the incognitomode called in Brave privatewindow is not deactivated !

So registry keys are different in Brave for sure! incognitomode_Brave_notdisabled

For all those keys i tried the paths of Chrome & Logical path of Brave, but nothing works, keys are sometimes added to the registry but not working at all !

Still need help to solve this !
Thanks !

Can i get some HELP form the Dev team ???

Hi @stop-it - sorry I didn’t follow up after you confirmed that did not work. I’m taking a look at the above and will try to make a recommendation

@stop-it can you try the following registry paths please?

I’m hoping this should work. Basically, the path is matching the pattern Google is using for Chrome. Another one that you may try is the default path for Chromium:


I believe one of these will work for you. Please let us know :slight_smile:


nothing works !!

@stop-it sorry to hear they didn’t work. I’m curious if any of our other users have gotten this working?

@clifton I am also having a similar issue on linux.
However my issue was a general issue with not getting the policies from chrome to move to brave, as you can see here.

@clifton can you assist me how can i apply the above policy on mac os. On Mac i have applied the policy for chrome to auto install extension and its working fine, but i need help for the case of brave.

Hi @zeeshan93 do you have more information about how you’re setting for Chrome? It would be similar - hoping I can help you adjust the command you run for Chrome

Group policy commands on macOS would look something like:
defaults write com.brave.Browser BrowserGuestModeEnabled -bool false

for the case of chrome i am using profiles to install a policy and chrome auto install the extension by using this policy. Its a mobileconfig file which has chrome policy content like below.

    1. List item

Continuing the discussion from Brave advertisements error:

Please ensure that you’ve read through the following topics/pages thoroughly before opening a topic as your question may have already been answered:

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Briefly describe your issue:

What Operating System and Brave version are you using (Menu --> About Brave)?

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