Change wallet secret key

I have mistakenly published the wallet SECRET KEY while creating a tutorial of usage for a friend, I would like to reset the wallet and secret to make sure its nowhere out there. Any way to do it to clean-fresh reinstall?

I have uninstalled-installed brave and the secret stays the same

@minotaur91 Thanks for reaching out! On which platform and brave version you are seeing this issue? from the post what i understood is:

  1. Uninstalled existing brave
  2. Re-installed brave
  3. Enable Rewards
  4. Check the Recovery key

Do you mean the recovery key which have seen in step 4 is same as recovery key in the existing brave (step1)?


Hi, yes the secret did not change after re-install

@minotaur91 That is strange. On every new profile and new install the 24 secrete key should be different.

Can you please provide the version and platform details?


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