I am a frequent user of the site math.stackexchange.com forum, however some math symbols do not render on Brave, and instead display as generic squares.
Other browsers display the symbols just fine.
I believe the platform uses MathJax.
I tried turning off shields and fussing with the site permissions in Brave, but nothing has worked.
Here is an example of a site where I am experiencing this issue.
My OS is MacOS Sequoia 15.0.1 and my Brave browser version is
Version 1.73.105 Chromium: 131.0.6778.265 (Official Build) (arm64).
And here is a screenshot of what I am seeing:
@3987182acc8a25d50b9f have you tried changing fonts in the browser? Usually It’s just that your using a font that your OS hasn’t packaged properly. Changing to another typically resolves.
I’m talking about things at brave://settings/fonts
But if that doesn’t work, you may want to consider what is mentioned in posts below:
Hmmm. I’ve tried several different fonts in the font settings but none of my websites actually change font. Is this normal?
The following fixed the issue for me: Right-click on a displayed math formula to open MathJax settings. Go to Math Settings → Math Renderer and change to “Common HTML” (mine was previously set to HTML-CSS).
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