Captcha Verification After every Google Search

Dude, I don’t understand what you mean. This is definitely a brave issue as it only happens on brave not on any other browser

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So I think what he means is, Brave does some things to mitigate trackers – fiddle with very small timings and so on, to make it more difficult for trackers to correlate one client connection with another so they can be identified and tracked as a singular user. And that potentially this tripped something at GOOG where it appears to be a machine making these connections, and not a human.

Probably not the best explanation, and no idea if that is the root of the issue and I think we should keep investigating, but hopefully that makes a little more sense of the above.

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I have the same issue with my browser and the problem is only when I do some search via the search bar.
The problem is only with Google Search, I tried Yahoo, Bingo and Brave Search, but no issues.
Also, if I’m log out form my Google account, I don’t have reCaptcha verification if I use Google Search.

For now, I’m using the extension called “I’m not robot” [] but only works with the simple check.
I tried all the options in this conversation and it doesn’t work.

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same issue, it looks like google dont like Brave :confused:

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