Can't Sync to iPhone

I am trying to sync my Mac brave data to my iPhone and it’s not working. I tried to do everything and it crashed. After the crash anytime I tried to add new device and it’s a phone it closes all my tabs. Any advice?

Hello @dey415

Thank you for reaching out and for the detailed report. Could you kindly update your device to the latest Brave version?

Having your device updated will allow you to sync, you can check more about Brave sync using this link.

Let me know if that works and have a nice day!

Hi! I updated recently and it didn’t work. It shuts down every time I open the sync part. I can’t even open Spotify either it says “upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. reset reason: connection failure, transport failure reason: delayed connect error: 111”

I’m going to break this into 3 parts. All are independent of each other. Breaking it apart so none of it gets confused with each other.


Can you clarify, is it your MacOS that is crashing? If so, could you please go to brave://crashes? From there, you should see some lists. Make sure to submit them if they didn’t already Send. Then respond here with your Crash Report ID (or a term similar, I forget the phrase).

That part aside, when you go to Sync, you don’t have to choose Add New Device and all. You should be seeing options like below:

New Tab - Brave 11_30_2022 21_11_03

If you click on View Sync Code, it will open up a window that has the actual code. However, there will also be an option to choose View QR Code.

Photos 11_30_2022 21_12_22

Try that and see if it crashes or if it’s only happening when you go through the Add New Device portion.


This is seeming to be an issue with Spotify itself. You can check where people from all browsers are reporting experiencing this problem. Check out their support at

People from Chrome, Opera GX, Firefox, etc are all posting with that error.

And it also was brought up here not long ago where it was investigated by person who helps with web compatibility. His response was: