Can't stay logged in with Dashlane!

Hi, I wasn’t sure where to get help after sending an email months ago.

I’ve been using Dashlane for my passwords for many years. I Love the Brave Browser but I’m about to give up on it! I am so sick and tired of not being able to stay logged into my sites because Brave makes me CONTINUALLY SIGN IN. ALL other browsers allow me to use Dashlane for 14 days without re-logging it EXCEPT BRAVE!! This is ridiculous that this can’t be allowed. I have search many places to find an answer so I finally decided to inquire here.

Please send back good new and tell me how to allow this. If you can’t I guess I’ll dump this and go back to Firefox or Chrome which I don’t want to do. Very disappointed :frowning:

Thank you,


@brent, have you tried disabling Shields on the websites where you’re getting logged out? Alternatively, you could try disabling fingerprint protection on those sites.

Brave randomizes certain aspects of our devices, which can cause issues with websites that use strict tracking to identify returning users. If Shields (especially fingerprint protection) are enabled, it might make you appear different enough that the cookie becomes invalid, requiring you to log in again for security purposes.

I’m also assuming you haven’t set anything to delete On Exit under Delete Browsing Data and that you’re not using the Forget me when I close this site option either globally or for specific sites.

Lastly, how often are you being logged out? Does it happen when you leave the website, exit Brave, or shut down your device? It would be helpful to have more details, including the version of Brave you’re using and your operating system.

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