Can't play Netflix after updating Brave. Error Code M7701-1003

well… um… on mac, there’s not much installing over… since mac overwrites the old file… I thought you were windows, but I looked at the os tag on title…

Ah ok so what do I do now? Reinstall the beta version?

Try and verify your wallet on the beta…

It wont let me verify my wallet unless I have 15BAT

Your settings should be good… that stored in Application Support… the pending bat, that’s stored in the app… so try and verify your wallet if you can… you just want to get ithe pending bat transferred to uphold…

hrmm… if you already had an uphold account with a brave rewards, should be able to verify against that… well. i suggest using 2 braves then… open the non-beta brave if you want to watch netflix… if you don’t mind possibly losing the bat, you can try reinstalling beta brave…

Make a copy of the brave beta app. Then install from from the beta installer. If everything works then great, delete the regular brave and the beta copy. If it doesn’t work, delete the brave beta and change the beta copy’s name to what the beta name should be… that should be safe…

Sorry I didnt understand this. Make a copy of the beta app how?

right-click on brave beta app and choose Copy "Brave Beta". Then do a cmd+V to paste it in the dir you’re in… it’ll paste as something like Brave Beta

I did that and installed the new brave beta but it still has the same problem for netflix :frowning: I might have to use two Braves

well it is a beta, so not as stable as the release version… ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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