Can't login to Creators Dashboard

I being given an error as shown here, prior to this I had an error that showed an error message asking me to verify with uphold. I saw a new thread from the support team stating that the issue with uphold got fixed so I wanted to see if that was ture that’s when this new error appeared


Update #1

I was able to login with Chrome but the wallet still shows It cannot communicate with Uphold

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Hi @arunbiju969, is this still an issue for you?

I still can’t login to Creators through Brave but It works fine on the beta version and Chrome I tried clearing the website data and it doesn’t seem to fix the issue. Also upholds “click to verify” error still persists.

yes for me this issue still persist and same is the case for most of the users. I can say this as numerous threads for the same issue are being created every hour and even though @Mattches said it is resolved but I have not found even single user who said there wallet get connected properly

Duplicate thread – please see here: