Errors appearing when following the steps for Brave installation on Fedora linux 41. After executing sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo the output is:
Unknown argument “–add-repo” for command “config-manager”
I tried using the new syntax which might be sudo dnf config-manager addrepo --from-repofile= it seems that it downloads the file correctly but a diffrent error outputs:
Error in added repository configuration file. Cannot set repository option “autorefresh=1”: Option “autorefresh” not found
It’s weird since option “autorefresh=1” is clearly stated in brave-browser.repo file
I was installing and follow this workaround to install Brave on Fedora 41 (until they fix the guide on oficial page) that’s bring the new DNF5
The dnf config-manager option on this Fedora release (dnf5) was change from --add-repo to addrepo and it doesn’t recognize the option autorefresh=1 on .repo file.