Can't drag/tear tabs V1.39.111 (May 24, 2022)

There is tons of posts about this on here and github but all closed despite the issue being ongoing.

A while ago I noticed tab tearing was horribly broken. While this was obnoxious I wasn’t doing it a whole lot to frustrate me. However today I notice as I tried to reorder a tab rather than move it instantly tore. Given tab tearing has been broken for a while all you can do is tear tabs, make new windows and create a huge freaking mess.

I saw some people noting “Use system title bar and borders” fixed it for them but no dice here. It just makes various UI elements larger and wasteful. Saw a few other flags being set said to fix things but only for Wayland users (x11 here).

Update 1.39.111-3 Chromium: 102.0.5005.61 still broken!

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