Can't connect to Brave rewards

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What’s your current region?

If you restart the browser do you see an improved experience?


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Miami, cannot connect to Rewards and the bubble keeps showing up, asking to ‘solve’ - irritating.

Restarting does not resolve - I restarted the browser, and the computer and still getting the popup ‘can’t connect to rewards’ - Macbook Pro, OS Big Sur - Miami, FL

@ilana since it seems you’re not connected to anything and are still trying to connect, can you just go ahead and reset your Rewards?

Go to brave://rewards and click on Reset. Agree to things and it will reset just the Rewards profile. You’ll have to activate Rewards again, choose your country, but then you should be able to link.

I have no clue why the captcha is having issues, but at least this should resolve your problem for now.