Basically the single select site data clearing/deleting does not work for cookies or site data. I browse several sites that often have updates and changes and the only way to clear cache data is to do a MASS GLOBAL deletion of data for the whole browser and every website, clicking the little site settings option next to the website field on the left and going in there and deleting cookies/site data does nothing. It clears some stuff like if I have a username or some path data previously cached but it will not do a fresh “Viewing” like status for me.
It just annoying anytime this happens I have to do a mass browser cleaning for 1-2 sites when this happens and have to relogin and redo all my other websites like this. Any idea or manual way of clearing site data digging down to a folder or file name in Windows?
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Description of the issue: How can this issue be reproduced?
found a convulued way for it to ACTUALLY CLEAR a single site data
click the site settings button to left of website address:
cookies and site data
click the arrow next to website
3 lines more option
delete when you close all windows select.
closed my browser, re opened browser got the desired result FRESH viewing .
WHY doesnt deleting the site data manually within this option do what i expected above? And I have to select this delete on exit option? Something isn’t working or is bugged here.
Hmmm so clearing site data should do what you’re saying but you’re right — despite it allegedly clearing cookies and data from the “tune” icon (shown below), it seems to clear everything except for login data:
Which, as you stated, is not the expected behavior. That said, if I go to brave://settings/content/all and look for Youtube here, then clear browsing data from this page, I do get the expected results:
I can reproduce the issue on Chrome Canary as well for, and However, I can’t repro the issue on all sites: clearing data via brave://settings/content/siteDetails?site=XYZ worked fine for some sites (like and