Can't browse to certain sites

Attemping to navigate to or results in no page being displayed.

Checking the “Developers Tools” and issues it states:

“Page layout may be unexpected due to Quirks Mode”

Just started happening.

Have the latest version:
Version 1.74.50 Chromium: 132.0.6834.111 (Official Build) (64-bit)

This is also happening in Chrome and Edge. These sites work fine with Tor.

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Yeah, it says I’m in Quirks Mode, so what? How do I tell your browser to render the page???

I used a Mac OS computer and a Windows OS computer. No Brave Browser trouble accessing and rendering, with the websites that you mentioned.

Developer Tools window > Network tab and Console tab:

No issues other than some sources for scripts were blocked by Brave Browser’s built-in AdBlock.

No Quirks Mode error / messages.

Tor usage would appear to the websites, to be connecting from one or more locations other than from your computing device.

In an attempt to change up your computer’s appearance on the Internet, a wee bit, you might try:

Please go to: brave://settings/security
Just testing: Set Safe Browsing to No protection (not recommended)
Advanced > Disable: Use secure DNS
Select DNS provider: OS default (when available)

Manually set the DNS servers for your computing device: Best free or public DNS servers - Quick list:

However your computing device is connected to the Internet, change the WAN IP address - if you can.

For any passersby, re Quirks Mode, the Developer Tools > Console window may look like:

@fanboynz knows a lot about web compatibility.

Yep, your screenshot of the Quirks Mode in the console via Developer Tools is what I see along with this:

All that you suggested fixes nothing. Can only see these two sites via Tor. Brave, Chrome and Edge all report the same issue.


I’m told you may know what the bleep is going on with all browsers, including Brave???

@tompetty2017 ,

Cant Open Skype - #5 by Mattches

Cant Open Skype - #7 by Mattches

What the bleep does Skype have to do with anything? I don’t use Skype nor is it even installed on my laptop!

Serious replies only please.

@tompetty2017 I think what he wanted you to do was to try clearing site data for these sites and to test visiting them in a guest profile. I think testing with the guest profile is a good way to start.

Please, in Brave, go to Menu --> More tools --> Open guest profile then try going to one of the links you shared above and tell me if you get the same results?

Same results, no change at all.

Interesting. Given that it is happening on Chrome and Edge as well, it’s likely an upstream/Chromium issue, meaning that the issue is not specific to Brave.

I too am able to visit these sites without issue on both Windows and macOS systems. Can you please tell me what OS you’re using when you see this issue? Additionally, is this machine a personal machine, or is it a work machine and/or on a work network?

I am able to visit these sites on my work (FAA) laptop, just not my personal laptop. Just started happening a couple of days ago to these very specific sites, though I have discovered some more since then. Only the Tor browser has no issues, on my personal laptop. O/S is Windows 10 Pro. These sites will not render on Edge, Brave, Chrome or Fire Fox.

Can you please, on your personal laptop, try installing the Beta build of the browser and tell me if you get the same issue when you try to visit the sites in Beta? Note that installing/running will not interfere with your current installation — it will just run as a separate browser.

Installed the beta version and am getting the same issue. No change.

FINALLY found it!

I may not have been running Nord VPN, but their f’ing “Threat Protection Pro” was running, specifically their “Advanced browsing protection”. As soon as I turned all that crap off, the issue went away. Suggest you note this as I will be reporting this to the Nord a-holes. OMG, what a f’ing piece of crap!

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Nord VPN > “Threat Protection Pro" > “Advanced browsing protection”

Enabled, running in background, [all times? | sometimes?] results “in no page being displayed” and “Developers Tools” states:

“Page layout may be unexpected due to Quirks Mode”

Good to know; thanks.

Yes, even if their VPN is not running, if you have “Threat Protection Pro” configured, it runs in the background. I have learned you can “whitelist” the sites you have issues with, but for me, that’s just more annoying. So it’s now completely off.

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@tompetty2017 thank you for confirming — really glad you were able to get everything figured out.