Can’t add YouTube videos to brave playlist

**Description of the issue:
On my mobile app (latest iOS), I can’t find any option to add a YouTube video to my brave playlist. In the options menu no “add to playlist” button appears.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Going to YouTube and selecting a video. Then tapping the menu in Brave.

Expected result:

**Brave Version( check About Brave): newest, just downloaded the app.

Mobile Device details
Latest iOS (version 16 I believe). iPhone X

Additional Information:

@MrRB Which version of Brave are you using? I just went to my iPhone and it’s showing with no issues. Also, not sure if you’ve ever seen settings, but you can toggle Add To Playlist in your Address Bar as well. As you’ll see, mine was available there in addition to being in the options menu.

Other thing to check, do you have the option below enabled? If not, then you’ll obviously not see it where you’re looking. (Hamburger Menu → Settings → Playlist)

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