I have received btc in my brave wallet. However brave’s wallet’s transaction history is 0 and the value or when it was sent etc is not showing on any of the blockchain explorer websites. Is this a common issue?
Can provide wallet address if useful.
I have received btc in my brave wallet. However brave’s wallet’s transaction history is 0 and the value or when it was sent etc is not showing on any of the blockchain explorer websites. Is this a common issue?
Can provide wallet address if useful.
@sappahanoi transaction history in Brave only shows things you send out of Wallet, not anything you receive. For that type of info you would need to rely on blockchain explorers. But Brave should at least show you any available balance for assets you hold.
And with crypto, if there’s nothing on the explorer, then it never happened. It can’t just appear anywhere with no history. Literally every movement from creation to every transaction after is recorded. You should be able to look up your Wallet to see every token you have and where it came from, assuming you really hold something.
Thank you for your answer.
It turned out that my btc address changed in the brave wallet. yet the deposited amount from the previous wallet address used, showed up in my updated wallet address. so brave changed the address autonomously whilst indicating it had the amount stored from the previous address.
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