Browser not loading certain webpages correctly

Browser not loading certain webpages correctly

How to reproduce:

  1. Visit the WordPress dashboard page: The browser does not display that page at all, instead, it displays a page about the dashboard titled “Dashboard ‹ SanDiego350” and beginning with “The boxes on your Dashboard screen are:” The address bar still states the correct URL. I don’t know that I’ve ever visited this page in Brave before as I’ve only been using Brave for 2-3 months, but the ones below, I definitely have.
  2. Visit The browser loads that page correctly, but also opens a new window with a tab pointing to: https://www.nytimes3xbfgragh.onion/
  3. Visit The Browser does not display the heading, menu bar, background colors, and the entire right side of the page. Other similar “event” pages do load correctly, such as …/civi_event_1249/ Sorry for the … I’m limited to four links.

These problems do not occur on Chrome, FireFox, or Safari.

Expected result:
Either open the page that should open or display the page as it is supposed to display.

Brave Version: Version 1.29.81 Chromium: 93.0.4577.82

macOS Big Sur Version 11.6

Additional Information:

  1. About a week ago, I made changes to the Privacy and security settings, mainly by removing cookies from certain sites or blocking certain sites. Since then, I experience random URLs that do not load properly.
  2. The pages that do not load correctly are consistently not loading correctly. The ones that do load correctly, do that consistently as well.
  3. Since then, I have cleared all browsing data including browsing history, cookies and other site data, and cached images and files.
  1. I don’t have login to test here
  2. .onion links should be open in a tor window
  3. What I see:

What you see is correct. What I see for the two different events are

For the WordPress Dashboard, I see the 1st (via Brave) instead of the 2nd (via Chrome)

You click on the speedreader icon in the urlbar? (the red icon in the urlbar)

Thanks so much! I have never noticed that icon before and it fixed the problem. Do you have any idea why clicking on the NYTimes page opens up a new tor window?

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