Browser Crashes to Desktop between 7am-12am

My brave browser crashes to desktop after less than a minute when my clock is set between 7am-12am. I am not able to get crash logs because it closes too fast for me to send a report.
I have tried the following:

  1. Ran InPrivate browsing.
  2. Ran Brave without AntiVIrus software (Bitdefender).
  3. Made a new profile.
  4. Ran brave without extensions.
  5. Ran Brave beta
  6. Downloaded and ran the newest version of Brave
  7. Asked for help on this community (Browser crashes to desktop after 1 minute)

None of these have worked and I still experience constant crashes unless I manually change the time on my computer to something from 12am-6:59am. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.

Hello @Matzes

Thank you for reaching us and I’m sorry to hear you are going through this. Can you please go to brave://crashes

  • if you have automatic crash reporting is enabled (Settings --> Privacy/Security --> Automatically send diagnostic reports), please respond back here with the crash report ID
  • If Automatically send diagnostic reports is not enabled, ensure you click Send on these crash reports listed on the page, then reply here with the crash report ID

Be waiting for your response.

I have automatic reports enabled, but I go to brave://crashes and there’s nothing there. I tried disabling it, relaunching, then enabling it again. Same result. The program does not detect any of my crashes.

Hello @Matzes

sorry for not reading the other post to know if you tried the following or not?

  1. do you have any app that manage the usage of certain app as there some software can close app if it run outside certain time range or for certain period

  2. could you try to create a new windows user account (offline one) and see if brave act the same with that new account

hope that help and have a nice day :slight_smile:

I don’t know of any software that I have that manages other apps. I also made a new windows user account like you suggested. There’s no difference. It still crashes.

just to make sure it crash during that time period or always?

During that time period

sorry i do not have a solid idea so all i try to do to guess what could be the cause
is there any schedule task during that period ?
is there any app/service work on the start up of your windows could you disable all of them then restart your device choose restart not shutdown then restart as windows 10 and 11 do partial hibernate if you choose shutdown

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