Brave wallet gets loaded as default wallet every single site

Please check your Wallet configuration in brave://settings/web3. Brave Wallet is designed to serve as a safer replacement within Brave for MetaMask. That said, if you would prefer to continue using extension-based wallets, you can switch your configuration to prefer Extensions over Brave Wallet.

Once you have switched the wallet configuration on that page from Brave Wallet to Extensions, you will need to refresh any page you were previously attempting to log into. Once refreshed, you should be able to connect your MetaMask wallet. To test this, visit and select Connect beneath Basic Actions.

If you are presented with the MetaMask login, nothing further is necessary.

If you are presented with the Brave Wallet popup:

  1. Navigate to brave://settings/web3 in the browser.
  2. Switch Default Ethereum Wallet from Brave Wallet to Extensions.
  3. Return to, and refresh, your tab.
  4. Click Connect beneath Basic Actions.

You should now be prompted to proceed with MetaMask, as I was in the GIF below:
