I used Brave back when it was first released and joined as a creator. Just recently I reinstalled the browser and love how much has been accomplished that I am switching from Chrome to Brave (DuckDuckGo). Well done everyone.
I have a question that I hope someone can answer. When I visit my web page (endurtech.com) I receive the following message when clicking ‘Brave Rewards’ icon in address bar:
This Brave Verified Creator has not yet configured their account to receive contributions from Brave Users. Any tips you send will remain in your wallet until they complete this process. Learn more.
“has not yet configured their account” What account? I have a connected uphold.com account to my Brave Verified Creator account. What other steps are needed? Clicking Learn more just takes me to a “download brave” button on a separate page.
This appears to only be occurring on my Windows 10 Home 64bit PC using Brave Version 0.70.123 Chromium: 78.0.3904.97 (Official Build) (64-bit). When I visit my webpage (endurtech.com) from my mobile device (using Brave) I don’t get that notice.
Perhaps it is because I have no funds added to my uphold.com account?
Thank you for your time and any feedback or suggestions you may be able to provide me with.