Brave Talk and Leo transcripts

I tried out the recording and Leo transcripts feature today in Brave Talk premium paid account. I got neither a video recording or a transcript. I saw no way to open the side translate window. This was a company board meeting and I relied on the Brave services for this meeting. Clearly a mistake on my part.

I only use one computer and only have one Brave account. I was using 8x8 before Talk became a feature and it worked fine. It does not work fine in Brave. Completely unreliable!

I saw your reply on other topic and answered there. It seems you created this topic while I was replying. Not sure if conversation will continue here or over there, but at least wanted to address that a reply was given at No recording link in Dashboard - #4 by Saoiray

Sorry if I caused confusion. I couldn’t find any threads related to Talk and Leo so created this one. The other thread was only on the video not showing up but her question was not answered as the recording should have been somewhere! I also don’t get an email response from the other thread making this thread more important for me.

I am opening a ticket as suggested now.

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To clarify, I only use Brave so if I got logged out, I wouldn’t know how that happened. I only use one laptop so no confusion there and don’t log into Brave on my phone. (I do use Brave on my phone but it has never seemed to work trying to login). I started recording and it gave me the choice of also creating a transcript which I selected. No side window ever opened and I couldn’t find a link/button to open a side window for the transcript. At the end of the call I got nothing, no recording and no transcript. Now, 3 days later, also no reply from support.

As I said, this was a corporate board meeting and I have been trying to get my partners to move to Brave Talk. This will NOT help my case in any way whatsoever.

Just an FYI, @jjones. You can get updates on it if you want. On the bottom of any topic is a drop down box, like in screenshot below:

Mine defaults to Tracking, but you can change it. If you set it to Watching, you’ll get a notification whenever someone replies. Assuming your account is set to email you when notifications occur, you should receive those emails.


Give it a try on one of the topics and let me know if it works for you.

Cool, will do, thanks!

No reply to my support ticket. Which means I still have no idea what went wrong or how to fix it. When you go to the talk page, there is no indicator if you are logged in or not, only My Account on the top right corner. This takes you to login, it doesn’t show you if you are logged in. What am I paying for here???

Hello @jjones - Sorry for the trouble you’re experiencing. Hopefully, I can help clarify the concerns above.

If you see My Account and Brave Talk Premium at, you’re Premium Talk is activated and working. The My Account page takes you to, which allows you to manage all your Premium subscriptions.

If Talk Premium was not activated at you would see the below screen and be asked to login.

You can start a recording and enable transcripts like you mentioned above and with these instructions. However, this does not automatically pull up the Leo sidebar or transcript. The moderator as well as call attendees can click the Leo icon (product-brave-leo.png) in the toolbar and ask Leo to take notes and summarize key points made during the call.

If you don’t see Leo in your toolbar you can toggle it on here: brave://settings/appearance

The recording and transcript links will be shown for the recorder in the bottom-left corner once the recording has started.
Screenshot 2024-09-13 at 8.29.03 AM

The recorder can also access them at once the call has ended.

Currently, if you start a test call and set recording for audio/video and transcripts do you see the links provided during and after the call?

Please let me know. Happy to help!

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Hi Evan,

Thank you for the reply. The first time I tried to use this service I saw the premium page you showed above but still did not get a video recording or transcript. I just did another call and it mostly worked. I did get the video this time and I did get a transcript. The only part that did not work is Leo. I did see the icon but when I hovered over it the only message I was was stop transcript. Maybe it isn’t turned on all the way??? I never figured out how to turn on Leo and didn’t click the Leo icon because I didn’t want to stop the transcript. Have Leo summarize would be most helpful, especially in an hour long call with 3 or more people talking.

So, I am much closer than I was and your post helps me feel a bit more secure with the process. Now it is just figuring out the Leo part.

Great, thank you for the additional info.

It sounds like you’re referring to the below Leo icon within a Brave Talk. This allows you to Enable/Disable the transcript feature at will.
Screenshot 2024-09-13 at 9.22.05 AM

Do you see the Leo icon in the top-right of your browser, next to the VPN icon? This is the one we want.
Screenshot 2024-09-13 at 9.22.34 AM

If you do not see the Leo icon in your browser toolbar, visit Settings --> Appearance --> Show VPN button (brave://settings/appearance)

Once you click on that Leo icon, the Leo sidebar will appear and you can ask Leo to summarize the meeting and take notes.

VPN was not turned on as I have another VPN service I use so didn’t think I needed it. The Leo AI button was toggled on but I didn’t realize that was were I needed to look for it. I was looking in the talk window only. Now I see it and understand how to use it. I couldn’t find any instructions that told me what you have told me in this thread. There should be instructions somewhere for us novices. :man_shrugging:t4:

Will look into providing further clarity in our Leo instructions. Thanks again for your patience and please don’t hesitate to reach out if you run into any further trouble.

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Another question on this topic. I am now able to record video and audio and get transcripts which is great. What I am still not able to adequately do is summarize the transcript with Leo. It summarizes some and tells me it is too long so it stops summarizing. Is this resolved with the premium Leo subscription or why is this happening?

Secondly, it does not transcribe live in the side bar. The only way I have figure out how to get it to work is load the transcript after the call and ask Leo to summarize which is when it tells me it is too long of a page.

Bump. Still not able to summarize a transcript using Leo.

Still not able to get Leo to summarize a call. I only get the full transcript which is helpful but not as helpful as a summary would be.

You’ll need to ask Leo to summarize the transcript. If the summary is timing out it is likely related to hitting the usage limits for Leo.

So you need to ask before the call starts? When I ask for the full transcript, it will not complete the whole call as it is limited.

Brave Talk Premium includes the full transcript feature provided by Leo, but it should always be downloaded from the link in after the call ends.

Requesting the full transcript from the Leo sidebar, rather than the download link, is subjecting you to rate limits since it’s using the free version of Leo. Key points and summaries will usually work with the Leo sidebar, but you may also be hitting the limits on the free version.

Full Transcript - Download from the transcript link at
Summaries and Key points - Ask Leo in the sidebar

If hitting the rate limit on summaries, please try changing your default language model in the settings. This should give you a fresh limit.


I do download the full transcript from the transcript link. It is Leo that won’t translate the whole transcript. I see there are 4 different models to choose from: Mixtral, Claude 3 Haiku, Claude 3.5 Sonnet and Llama 3.1 8B. I was on Llama. Which one should I be on?

To be specific, I would open the whole transcript and ask Leo to summarize and it would limit how much it would summarize to maybe only 15 minutes when most were hour long calls. Doing it in real time would be great but that hadn’t worked for me yet as I was not clear how exactly to do that.

Are you seeing any specific error after trying to summarize the full transcript?

It is likely you’re unable to summarize the full transcript because you’re using the free version of Leo, which has a smaller rate limit.