Brave settings after formatting pc?

Description of the issue: After formatting my PC, I lost everything, I had more or less 30 BAT, Idk how to log in to my account, how to recover my favorites, extensions, etc… where can I find all this lost info and BATs?

Operating system: Windows 10 pro
Brave version: 1.42.97

Well, that’s what happens. Formatting means it erases everything on your device. Which is why you’re encouraged to backup any data that you need.

Where was it? If you were Unverified and that 30 BAT was on your device, then you’d have lost it all unless you did a backup of your \brave-browser folder first and have that to add back. If the BAT was inside Uphold/Gemini, then it’s all still there and you just have to link your Brave to it again when you can (not sure if you’re in a supported region)

Well, if you have another device you’ve been using and have them Synced, then just adding your new instance of Brave to the sync chain with the other device will add all of that back. But if you don’t have a second device synced, don’t have any backups, no CSV files, or any of the type of thing…then there’s nothing that can be done.

Yeah, never let a family member use your PC… I had no other option and had to format.

So, my 30 BAT was at this part:

So… I think I lost everything… I’m gonna cry in the corner and will be back in a few.

Were you not Verified with Uphold or Gemini? If you were, then that part you have circled would have reflected your Gemini/Uphold balance. But if you weren’t connected to them and hadn’t received the payments to those exchanges, then yes, means you likely lost it all unless you can find a backup of the \brave-browser folder somewhere.

I’m not sure, but I will check both. Thank you for your help!

You’re not sure if you ever create an account on Gemini or Uphold and linked your browser?! Wow, but it’s easily checkable

Probably true, but before doing such a drastic move it’s a known thing to save some info to be able to log in in every app/program/site, formatting it’s a way to erase all drives, you can’t expect to simply find access after did it.

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