Brave Search Now Suddenly Unusable Due To CAPTCHAs

I’ve been happily using Brave Browser for six or seven years now, and switched to Brave Search upon its first availability. It’s been working fine all along, until today, when suddenly I’ve been presented with a CAPTCHA to complete before each search — and the CAPTCHA is impossible to complete. What nonsense.

I’m not using a VPN or Tor. There should be no reason to suspect my searches are automated. Is there any way to “reset” the system to get me out of this CAPTCHA hell?

This is a “feature” that will drive users away. Who’s the dummy who thought this up?

Description of the issue:
How can this issue be reproduced?

Expected result:

Brave Version( check About Brave):

Additional Information:

Brave search unavailable to VPN users is a deal breaker. fix immediately and apologize or its goodbye Brave hello Firefox.


Same thing here.
Doesn’t work with ProtonVPN anymore…

If I can’t use Brave Search with a VPN I’ll switch to an alternative (Browser + search engine).

Please fix this.

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Thanks for reporting, reviewing. Which VPN do you use?

Anyone experiencing this willing to hop in a Brave Talk link to troubleshoot?

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We’ve just deployed a change that should fix the issue. Can you confirm you’re no longer experiencing?

Works for me! (ProtonVPN on Linux)

Thanks for the quick fix!

A ha. You pushed a breaking change on us by mistake, and have fixed it now because of complaints. This is what complaining is for. Thanks a lot.

You still need to fix those CAPTCHAs, though. Being required to complete a CAPTCHA is considerably more frustrating when completing the CAPTCHA is impossible.

I just started experiencing this problem today. Without VPN use.
Very much a deal breaker for me.

I have a different problem, which I hope you can fix. I want to open a new wallet, but the New Wallet screen doesn’t appear when I press the wallet icon, only says unlock or restore. Can you help me with this matter?


Please edit your reply - remove your e-mail address.

Please only post Brave Wallet inquiries in this category – visit the Brave Rewards category for all related rewards issues.

The Brave Team will never ask you for your recovery phrase or private key.

Description of the issue:

Is the issue occurring on a specific network?

What operating system are you using?

Brave Version (check About Brave):

Additional Information:

I want to open a new wallet, but the New Wallet screen doesn’t appear when I press the wallet icon, only says unlock or restore. Can you help me with this matter of connecting with the New Wallet screen?

Thank you, much appreciated.