Brave Rewards not available on Android 6.0.1?

Description of the issue:

I’m on Android 6.0.1 on my phone and I can’t access to Brave Rewards plugin for Android brave app.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Take a phone with Android 6.0.1 (Asus Zenfone 2 551 ML in my case)
  2. Install Brave app from android play store (android play store version is 17.0.12 and brave app version is : 1.4.1)
  3. Look in the menu of the app or even in chrome://flags and get nothing about brace rewards

Expected result:

Have access to Brave Rewards and use it throw Brave app as on other device

Brave Version( check About Brave):

Current Version 1.4.1

Mobile Device details

Asus Zenfone 2 551 ML

Additional Information:

SafetyNet test everything is set to true (basic integrity and CTS profile match) and my phone is not rooted at all.

Finally what is wrong above all?

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You can access Brave Rewards via BAT triangle icon at URL bar or Menu > Rewards or chrome://rewards, @Isorb.

Hi @eljuno,
It doesn’t seem to work on mobile app:


Any other idea?

Thank you in advance!

Thanks for the confirmation, @Isorb.

cc @Mattches @sriram @gsarvadnya for assistance here

Thanks for your reactivity @eljuno!
Waiting for their assistance.

@Isorb Can you please check the thread below?


Hi @gsarvadnya,

As I mentioned in my first message ( Additional information) my phone is not rooted :

& Safetynet test (Basic integrity & CTS profile match) are true:

Any other things to check? Maybe I can check some logs somewhere about apk and rewards plugin install? Or eventually it could be dependencies?

Thanks in advance.

Hi @gsarvadnya,

I just wanted to know why rewards wasn’t supported on x86? Is it for a particular reason?

Thanks in advance for your answer.

Kind regards,

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