Brave rewards flagged?

Description of the issue:

My wallet seems to have stopped working and I get a “flagged” warning when I attempt to re-verify my wallet with Gemini

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Click on Brave rewards icon
    2.Choose log in to Gemini to see your balance
  2. I successfully login to Gemini with 2FA
  3. Page appears that says “Brave Browser is requesting access to your Primary account:…etc…”
  4. I click ALLOW
  5. Page appears that says my account is flagged, and that it might be a false positive etc that is resolve automatically. But I’ve been getting this same message for weeks now.
  6. I submitted a support ticket on this issue as well. I’ve been receiving Brave rewards to Uphold and then later switch to Gemini. This has all been working fine for years (I think I first configured BAT rewards with Uphold back in 2019 or 2020?). Not sure what changed or why I would be flagged.

Expected result:
Wallet gets re-connected to Gemini

Brave Version( check About Brave):

Additional Information:
My Gemini account is properly KYC’d/Verified. No issues with it. Only this issue of Brave rewards wallet no longer connecting to it.

Any violation of Brave’s Terms can result in your account being flagged. You can find their Terms of Service for Brave Rewards at 6

Some quick examples of things that often result in flagged accounts can be:

Using a VPN, Proxy Server, or other such thing to hide or fake your location. This is because it can be seen as you trying to bypass ad restrictions. Remember, advertisers pay so content is shown to specific regions. When you appear to be in a region you’re not, it is taking advantage of the system to see ads and receive BAT you shouldn’t be getting.
Modifying folders. There are some things you’re encouraged to do but some people do dig deep and try modifying folders that affect your encryption key OR where Users think they can fool the system into thinking they’ve seen more ads or have more BAT in their browser than they really do. Whether intentional or accidental, messing with the wrong things will get your account flagged.
Your setup sends mixed information to Brave. For example, maybe you’re in the United States. Your IP address shows you in California, your language is English-IN, and your time zone is correct. This will tell Brave you should see ads from India but then it sees that you’re actually in California. At this point it will think you’re trying to trick the system to see more ads and might flag you. If nothing else, it can result in you not getting BAT for ads that you do see.
Cloning your browser. Some people have learned how to do unofficial backup & restore and have the “great idea” that they can make multiple copies of the same browser on different devices and then Verify them with a custodial wallet like Uphold or Gemini. The system recognizes this and will flag the account and prevent anything from happening. Of course, even if unintentional, creating two exact copies of the browser and encryption key will be seen as attempting to do this and will flag you. So never have two identical copies of the browser running.
Uphold or Gemini identifies your account as fraudulent and/or there’s a violation of laws.
Any other type of suspicious activity is recognized by the system or Brave staff.
That said, just like people, the system isn’t flawless and mistakes can happen. If you haven’t done anything wrong, you can always create a ticket

The best thing to do will be to raise a ticket. Raise one here.

Big issue has been release, :)))

What? I don’t understand.

The only thing on your list that I do is use a VPN to remote into my office for work, during which time, Brave is open as usual but mostly just sitting in the background. My VPN connection is to a business in the same city as my home office, so if that’s a “violation”, then that’s just ridiculous. Also, I’ve been using that home-to-office VPN connection alongside Brave for several years, so if they’re changing things to try to detect “suspicious activity” (whatever that might mean), then they’re going too far. This is supposed to be a privacy-centric browser, but now we’ve got to worry about whether Brave HQ thinks we are “suspicious”? Give me a break…

In any case, I did submit a trouble ticket, but I have received no reply.

It doesn’t matter what you’re using the VPN for or like what region you are from and what region you’re trying to connect into through VPN. The point of flagging because of VPN is that many people are trying to get ads which are not for their region, to earn more BATs than they should.

Then likely isn’t a problem. Where this had been an issue was where people were having their device locale differ from their IP address. That or even trying to mask/conceal that information through the usage of something like a proxy server.

If you’re using it as a business, I’m not sure if your networking staff might have done anything which could be causing problems.

Awesome. How long ago? If it’s been less than a week, then I’d be patient. Especially if submitted over a weekend, as they tend to only be active on the weekdays.

If it’s been a week or more, then please respond here with your ticket number and tag SaltyBanana or Evan123 by putting an @ in front of their name. Hopefully they’d then be able to check on it. In the meanwhile, I also want to advise to double check your spam/junk folders just in case they did reply and it went there.

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