Brave Rewards Creators is Over?

I would like to know if the Rewards are over, more than 30 days of various confirmations have passed and nothing happens at Referral Stats
nor in the Referral Graph, and here in the community there are a lot of people complaining about not getting token bats.
So I would like to know Is the Brave Referral Program over?

Eu Gostaria de Saber se Acabou as Recompensas, ja passaram mais de 30 dias de varias confirmaçoes e nada acontece no Referral Stats
e nem no Referral Graph, e aqui na comunidade tem muitas pessoas reclamando de não estar recebendo os token bats.
Então Gostaria de Saber Acabou o Programa de referencias brave?

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Hi @LouisAlecio, Rewards is alive and well! What’s the email linked to your account? I can take a look!


ok thanks . i send email

[email protected]

please @steeven look on my suspension account no one is looking . a month has been passed appeal is in progress at least tell me how much time it would take???

have patience …

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thank you sir @steeven steve the confirmations are confirmed again. I will work more focused and calm now :grin::hammer_and_pick: :hammer_and_wrench:

@prc - what’s the email linked to your account?


[email protected] and my appeal rejected today i did nothing believe me

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