Mac OSX 10.13.6
Brave Version 0.59.20 Chromium: 72.0.3626.28 (Official Build) beta (64-bit)
I’ve added BAT to my brave wallet and it is not showing up. I transferred from Coinbase into the specified BAT address on the rewards panel after clicking Add Funds. This was done a while ago and I just realized that it’s not showing up.
Screenshots below:
Wallet screen in brave rewards w/ wrong BAT amount
Sorry to hear you’re experiencing this. I have an idea what the problem might be. Could you do this for me:
Navigate to ~/Library/Application Support/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser-Beta/Default
Open the ledger_state file (a text editor is fine, you will not be saving any changes to this file)
Near the top of the file you should see things like paymentId, addressBAT, addressBTC, etc
Please private message me the following:
If you’re unsure how to private message me on this forum you just click on my name and on the popup there will be a Message button. Click on that and you’ve opened a message with me I’ll ask a teammate to investigate.