Brave referral promos not working for installed

My set up

Brave is up to date Version 0.63.55 Chromium: 74.0.3729.131 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Referral Link IS working for DOWNLOAD since :grin: I can the 3 friends that downloaded Brave :grin:

Referral Link is NOT working for iNSTALLED I see 0

According to Brave Help Page this should be simple and straight for

1. Downloads: Increments if a user you referred downloads the Brave Browser using your referral code.

2. Installs: Increments when a user opens the Brave Browser for the first time.

3. Confirmations: Increments after minimal usage of the Brave Browser over a 30 day period. Please note that the $5 BAT rewards are only given out for confirmations.

Link of the help page:


Since the post of ArsStyle was closed without proper answer: [Downloading and installing by referral link - Installed 0] (Downloading and installing by referral link - Installed 0)
I open this new one

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