Brave redirecting to random websites

Hi there!

I keep getting redirected whenever I try to shop online. It usually happens when I go to the main page, (think or, or if I open a link. If I click to go back, it will take me to the previous web page I was on.

So let’s say I google Amazon, and click on the first link, the main page will open, but then I’ll be redirected to a random (and sketchy) website. Clicking to go back takes me back to google. After that, I can open and navigate normally, no more redirections.

This only happens when I visit web stores.

I just tried to replicate it and got redirected to

What’s causing this? And how can I fix it?

Brave Version: 1.71.114 Chromium: 130.0.6723.58
MacOS: Sonoma 14.3

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The “new wave” Internet search engine thing, is to splash ads and images and misc. stuff all over the Search Engine Results webpage.

To wit: Some users are unaware of how much care, they need to apply, to THEIR OWN directing their Internet browser to go where THEY want it to go.

I find myself dodging the ads and clutter, in order to locate within the Search Engine Results webpage . . . real meat.

I recommend, that you use your bookmarks, such as:

instead of trusting

Thanks for replying. I was just using google to illustrate my issue, but this happens even when I go straight to (not just amzon). I’m constantly being redirected, it’s ridiculous.

I’ve checked for malware, nothing was detected.

No one knows what could be causing this? I’m reconsidering Brave.

Assuming that you have already created and tried a new Profile . . .

In a new Brave Browser window, go to:


Disable and Remove all extensions.

On your Mac, open the

In the window, type:

cd /etc/ ; open

In the “etc” window, locate the “hosts” file.

Open that “hosts” file with a text editor. The contents are hopefully:

# Host Database
# localhost is used to configure the loopback interface
# when the system is booting. Do not change this entry.
## localhost broadcasthost
::1 localhost

You might find more content, and if you do, report that, here.

Clear browsing data on your Mac

In a new Brave Browser window, go to:


Select the Advanced tab

Set Time range to “All time”

ENABLE everything except:

  • Passwords and other sign-in data

(Myself, I would NOT make that exception)
(because I would have a backup prepared)

Click on the “Clear data” button

On your Mac, locate the Caches folder:


and move the “com.brave.Browser” folder to the Trash

In a new Brave Browser window, go to:


Click on Clear host cache

Next, same window, select “Sockets” on the left.

Click Close idle sockets

Click Flush socket pools

Quit everything and Restart your Mac

Open a window, and enter:

open -a "Brave" -n --args --disable-gpu --enable-leak-detection --crash-on-failure --incognito

That command will start Brave Browser with Hardware Acceleration DISABLED, and using a New Private Window.

In the Brave Browser New Private Window, go to a very, very plain, simple website:

. . . and wait at least 30 seconds, in order to see if the browser encounters a redirect.

Hopefully, the browser will remain at that webpage.

IF NOT, then . . .

record the URL address of where the browser ended up at.

Close that browser window.

In a new Brave Browser window, go to:


You are looking at all of the Brave Browser preferences.

Use keyboard combination Command key + F in order to find
the domain name of the URL address that you recorded.

Hopefully, that domain name is NOT in your browser preferences.

Probably not, but check that, anyway; and close all browser windows.

Flush the MacOS DNS cache:

You will need to open the

There, enter in the search field:


In a new window, enter:

sudo killall -INFO mDNSResponder

Now look at the Console window, in order to see the DNS cache.

Examine for any of the strange, redirect domain names.

Next, in a window, enter:

sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder

Quit all applications and Restart your Mac.

Start up Brave Browser and go again, to the simple site:

Hopefully, that connection is stable.

Is all I have to offer as a path that may reveal something.

So far so good, no redirections. Thank you so much!

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