Using Nightly on android, v.1.70.44. Was working fine until today. Following 39 channels. Selecting Load New Content or adding more channels brings me back to the same screen. No news to show. Suspect this is not supposed to be happening?
@Thrive what settings do you have? I know on Desktop and iPhone, I see options similar to what I mention at Brave news continues to show news from unfollowed - #3 by Saoiray
In order to get it to show on my iPhone I had to scroll down a bit more into news and then there was a settings button. Not sure if on Android you would need to click on Choose content sources
or if there’s something a bit different.
Thanks @Saoiray. I’ve fiddled with every setting there is, followed, unfollowed, turned off brave news and on again. Can’t scroll down into news but can (and did) click to choose content sources. Even if I follow everything I have no news feed any more I suspect, an update as it was working fine and all I did was sleep and next morning, no news!
Yep I have the same problem, thought it would be solved when new update came but it’s still not resolved
Happy to report that this is fixed with today’s update for me. Thanks Brave devs!