Brave is blocking access to the tabs I have open, asking for an ‘Anonymous Referral Code Check’

**Description of the issue:**Brave has just updated automatically to version 1.35.1. When I try to open the App it brings up a Referral Code Check. This page will not accept any answers or let you into the browser.

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. Press the Brave icon to bring up the already open app with already open browsing pages.
  2. The app comes up with a screen asking for an ‘Anonymous Referral Code Check’. This page includes buttons for a response.
  3. Press a button to respond. Neither button works. The browser will not let you in.

Expected result:. Browser pages to open as per my last browsing time.

**Brave Version( check About Brave):**1.35.1

Mobile Device details iPad Pro (3rd gen)

Additional Information:

@anobbs ,

Might have some info:

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