Brave Fails with IRS Website

IRS website opens initially but upon going to login, I get a " This page isn’t working sent an invalid response. ERR_RESPONSE_HEADERS_MULTIPLE_LOCATION" Reload. I have turned off Brave Shields, I have deleted and readded https:// at the beginning, I have allowed all cookies… nothing works. The only thing that works is using Edge, which works fine. Just as an FYI, the exact thing happens with Chrome, so it’s not just Brave. But I am not using Brave now.

About “

" The Internal Revenue Service has a new Direct File pilot program for the 2024 tax season that allows users in certain states to file taxes directly and for free at"

Are you in one of the “certain states”?

Yup. But otherwise I don’t qualify. And Brave can’t handle the site anyway, so… Back to using Edge!

Sometimes, I use Microsoft Edge, because a website insists on using WebGL or some such thing that is not enabled in the Brave Browser.

WebGL will not work in Brave Browser but it will work in Chrome

You might test, by enabling(?) hardware / Graphics Acceleration:

WebGL now not working in brave - #2 by fanboynz