@Mugtik I’m going to ask if you can help clarify on a few things. For example, you put your topic as Desktop Supportwindows. But then you share a link about linux.
So is this issue happening on Linux or Windows?
Which version/distro?
How did you install Brave? (if Linux, share which channel/package you used)
Are you using extensions?
Does this issue happen in a new profile? (Hamburger Menu → More Tools → Add New Profile and test on it without adding extension or changing settings)
Ooh, ok. I thought you were saying this was happening in the Brave browser. And now that I’m better aware, was able to test and can replicate it as well. Though it only happens on the brave.com/linux link and not on any others. That is kind of weird and not sure where it’s pulling from or anything.
I’m just going to tag @steeven though honestly not sure who from Brave to tag in or bring it up. As discussed, this is seeming to happen only with Chrome and no other browser. But whether it’s just something on Chrome’s end or something in the code on Brave’s end is what is unknown. It definitely is weird regardless, especially that as I was testing that it seems to be only that specific link.