Brave download folder disappeared in Ipad

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Description of the issue:

How can this issue be reproduced?

  1. After updating to latest version, In iPad files app there’s no “Brave” directory.
  2. Every time clicking on “Downloads” brings me to root folder in files app
  3. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling brave which didn’t solve

Expected result:

Brave Version( check About Brave):
Version 1.43 (

Mobile Device details: IPad Air 4th gen
iPad OS 15.7

Additional Information:

Hi @nabarunlife1011 welcome to Community!

Do you not see a Brave folder found in the On My iPad?
The Downloads folder should be in the Brave folder.

Yes, as mentioned, can’t find “Brave” folder in files app after the latest update.

Mine has done the same thing. My browser’s (newer Ipad pro) downloads folder has disappeared. There is no setting that i can find to either repopulate the folder or to even set the download location in ios. whats wierd is that it allows me to hit download on things using the browser app. but when i go check the 2 different download folders i have for chrome and safari, nothing was downloaded. its like the app thinks the folder is still there and then throws the file into a void, with nohting actually being downloaded. when i click the download folder option on the file downloaded popup… it takes me to the root files screen for the ipad but not to any specific folder.
***NOTE: i had very important files in the folder and they are lost. I am talking legal documents. I use this browser for security and the app deleting my files without me authorizing the app to do so is very concerning. heads up i am a blockchain coder, so I am big on security and not a beginner with electronics. This is a flaw that now obviously 2 people have had happen to them. It needs to be fixed asap as well as a solution on how to correct it and maybe recover what the app decided to delete. I look forward to a quick reply from someone with your support, as the files your app deleted are time sensitive. Thanks.

Same here, there is no downloads folder on ipad, any solution?


Can you send me a DM and I can look into the issue closer to troubleshoot.


Did this happen on 1.42->1.43 app update for all of you?
We have hard time reproducing this problem on our devices

Hi Michal, I am a new user to Brave. After the instalation from App store the downloads folder on ipad is not visible. On iPhone everything works just perfect. Both devices have version 1.43 installed.

thanks, so far looks like it happens on iPads only. Super weird as this is kind of a ‘system’ folder that you are not even able to delete

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