Brave creators : contributions page building seems to be KO (bis repetita)


what’s about Brave’s creators contribution pages builder.

It’s still broken. Cant load a picture (logo or background) at all now (using Brave).

I don’t understand at all why it is keeped in a such unusable and non “pretty” state ?

It’s what visitors see from Brave browser and creator’s relationship. Important ? no ?

First cited here : Brave creators : contributions page building seems to be KO



Hello - When was the last time you logged into


@Evan123 I’m not sure if I’m understanding their issue exactly, but I am realizing that there’s an issue when we go to try to change any of the images. Video of that experience is below:

Oh, and also have to say have seen the below a couple times while doing stuff. Not sure what it’s all about. I closed out when I should have kept it open and referred to the console.

Thanks guys! We’ve found the problem and the team is working to resolve. Sorry for the trouble.


Many thanks to you :wink: and the team.

Should I help ?

Just done some tryes, its the PATCH REST Api call for the picture that seems to send good datas : cover: "".

xhr on

That dont fail and got a valid json response :

    "id": "the_id",
    "details_type": "SiteChannelDetails",
    "public_identifier": "public_id",
    "details": {
        "url": "https://domain.tld",
        "publication_title": "domain.tld"
    "site_banner": {
        "read_only_react_property": {
            "title": "thewebpagetitle",
            "description": "Vous utilisez le navigateur Brave. blabla, merci.",
            "backgroundUrl": "",
            "logoUrl": "",
            "socialLinks": {}

respond with a jpg.padded file that has the same weight as uploaded picture, but seems to be non jpeg encoded :



While it returns a .jpg.padded “file” when uploading one jpeg file. Nothing is returned at all when using a .png file.

The tipping “window” for own Brave Brave creator account is OK :

  • logo : ok
  • header banner picture : ok

But, I don’t know if it’s for all of them : Brave creators tipping “window”/page is still broken :

  • logo : KO
  • header banner picture : KO

Is there a follow up opened ticket in Brave browser issues : ?


Is it planned now ?



Post scriptum :

It’s a little bit better now (11/30/24) :

  • you can upload a 960x300px banner
  • you can upload your brand logo (rounded in a square picture with no margin)

They will be displayed in Brave browser contribution “widget”.

For the linked contribution page :

  • only the logo is displayed

  • no translation of the english terms

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